Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Can Ron Paul Educate President Obama?

I am glad Congressman Paul occupied most of the time framing his question because we all know two things:
1). the answers from the three stooges would be duplicitous, and
2). these agents of the unConstitutional coup would like nothing more than to limit the amount of time given to a Statesman who can use the Congressional seat to educate people about the economy.

If Obama has been insulated from the wisdom and power of Ron Paul in the past because of the fairytale political processes of the unConstitutional coup he is now getting a healthy dose of the ideology that will slay his socialist ideology. I am sure these three (stooges) will be crybabies when they go before the President and tell him who was 'mean' to them!

If only President Obama will do justice to the American spirit that lead people to choose him because they believed that he repesented change (being relatively young and being a man with an African-American heritage) then he will abandon the suffocating neocons that surround him and he will tear off his indoctrinated socialistic shackles and embrace the classical liberalism heritage that inspired our Constitutional Republic.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ron Paul Is A Great American Statesman!

Ron Paul knows what Washington D.C. is like. He basically said that it is all about showmanship and political maneuvering. He basically said that philosophically the politicians could care less about contracts or the Constitution; it is all about ego-driven interventionism.

How draining that must be to be surrounded by such ungodliness constantly. We do not appreciate enough the monumental strength of Congressman Ron Paul.

Now that he has gained prominence the pressure from the unConstitutional coup has increased but he can handle that. What brings him strength and joy is the growth of the cause of liberty. And this is also what weakens the dastardly schemes of the unConstitutional coup.

We know what we need to do! We need to educate ourselves and others about liberty, about classical liberalism, about Austrian economics, about property rights and we need to pray for Ron Paul. He will humbly receive that extra assistance and use it in the battle to expose the ego-driven interventionists and their schemes, and also to inspire millions to join the fight for liberty and justice.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Earmarking Our Way To Liberty And Justice!

What if...

What if Congress actually did their job? What if instead of passing massive legislation that they don't even read or have time to read because the unConstitutional coup hoists it upon them during a so called crisis, what if instead they sat down and did their homework and earmarked every single item in the budget?

What if as a result they knew what was going on, and so they stopped lying to the people that they represent?

What if with a new sense of dignity and honor they felt compelled to abide by the Constitution as a tribute to the remarkable history of our Constitutional Republic?

What if galvanized by this new patriotism they turned their focus on the Federal Reserve and decided to make it transparent and responsible to the Congress of the United States?

What if instead of cowards sheepishly doing whatever the unConstitutional coup demands the Congress instead recognizes that these economic terrorists have usurped the power granted solely to the Congress, the States, the President, and the people?

What if the days of counterfeiting, tyranny, and ego-driven interventionsim are coming to an end?


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Hypocritical Foreign Policy Stains America Badly!


Imagine how peaceful and prosperous the world will be without the ego-driven interventionists.

That is what a classical liberalism society looks like!

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Will Americans Forget Their Classical Liberalism Tradition?

I do not believe that in our modern world of instant communication and international awareness that it is possible for the attitude of: 'Once the public is convinced that we have to live with high unemployment and economic insecurity' will be maintainable for very long. There are places in the world (especially when they write-off as losses the debt owed to them by the U.S.) where prosperity will be the way of life and Americans will wonder why, and find answers that rekindle the love of liberty in their hearts.

As that occurs the liars will be thrown out!

That is one of several alternative pathways to a classical liberalism society that lies ahead of us.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Beware Of The Attempts By 'Insiders' To Seduce!

Some people know and some people do not know who the members are of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup.

Jim Baker is one of the ones who knows!

He has had his hand (as instructed by the head - the unConstitutional coup) in many crimes against humanity.

Have you noticed how he has resurfaced to bring the voice of 'experience' to the totalitarian movements and schemes being hoisted upon the American people?

Instead of being interviewed by the media playthings or the 'bought-and-paid-for' Congress he should be interrogated by those who really mean it when they swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.

Jim Baker may or may not voluntarily reveal the names of the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup. Regardless, getting closer to exposure will cause them great concern and may minimize the boldness of their attacks against our Constitutional Republic.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It May Be Time To Save The Constitutional Republic!

The unConstitutional coup will continue to use its media minions to try to polarize Ron Paul.

But there is nothing that can pull Ron Paul from the central issue of the Federal Reserve - which is the heart of the unConstitutional coup. Now it is easy to see why they want to pull him away. The heart of this beast is beating irregularly and it will not be able to withstand the stress of an audit!

The unConstitutional coup is desperate! There is momentum in Congress for the audit of the Federal Reserve! Their bimbo, Bernanke, will have to resign if there is an audit because someone will have to take the blame and then gold will obviously be ready and able to fill the void created by a floundering central bank. This will potentially cascade into a total rejection of the fiat dollar.

Then the unConstitutional coup will be have to come out from hiding and expose itself as an unConstitutional coup! Get ready Americans to save your Constitutional Republic!

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