Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Destroying The Dollar Is Part Of Their Scheme!

What we see is a deliberate destruction of the dollar so that the unConstitutional coup can orchestrate its new world monetary hegemony scheme - a new worldwide fiat currency under the control of a single worldwide central bank.

That is why there is no restraint!

Right now the unConstitutional coup is unabashedly using its counterfeiting operation (the Federal Reserve in conjunction with the Treasury Department) to redistribute wealth to itself and its associates. Then when the dollar is destroyed they will proclaim themselves to be in charge of the new fiat monetary system.

Americans (the true-to-the-spirit ones) with their birthright and their cultural identity linked to liberty are key players in the destruction of this oppressive regime. The means to accomplish their demise are at our fingertips. For example, the majority of people get a significant portion of their perspectives about the news and events from the internet. Educate the masses about these crimes and these criminals.

Somehow we need to penetrate the mystery surrounding the unConstitutional coup and let the oppressed know who their oppressors are.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Americans Are Tiring Of UnConstitutional Acts!

The unConstitutional coup is obviously desperate since it is acting so blatantly. Paulson is not some low level person. He is one of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup and his immediate subordinates are Bernanke and Bush. Paulson is out on the front lines because the unConstitutional coup is desperate.

And how exactly did they get to be in such a desperate condition? Believe it or not, it was the exposure of their true nature that was required to clamp down on the liberty momentum created by Ron Paul. The champion of the Constitution exposed the underbelly of the unConstitutional coup!

When will those who swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC obey their oath? That is when the unConstitutional coup will come to an end.

How far away is the awakening of the citizens of the U.S. and the rebellion of the ones who are bound by oath to defend the Constitution? You better believe the unConstitutional coup is working diligently to restrict the flow of information. Will there be courageous journalists to speak of the outrageously unethical standards forced upon them by their coup-connected employers?

Fragile is the best word to describe the situation and frail is grip of the unConstitutional coup! Almost one or two words said at the right time by the right people will send the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup fleeing the wrath of Americans and many other peoples of the world who have been victimized by their economic terrorism.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Americans Expect The Oath Of Office To Be Upheld.

Here are the projected results of a universal survey of every American:
  • Do you want a President that obeys his/her oath to uphold and protect the Constitution or a President that disobeys his/her oath to uphold and protect the Constitution ?
  • 100% choose a President who obeys his/her oath.
When an American reads the Constitution without the indoctrination of legal sorcery it is clear what is basic and foundational. This common sense foundation is what is recognized and endorsed, by every American that is not under the influence of the legal and economic sorcery of the unConstitutional coup. We still have that right.

Will Americans reject the ego-driven interventionists and reject the ego-driven interpreters? With your help and mine and with the help of the Campaign For Liberty and the Mises Institute.

Will the President-elect have the moral courage to do what the people want (Americans 'want a President that obeys his/her oath to uphold and protect the Constitution')?

I ask the question only as a test of the true nature of the person elected to be President in what is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic.

Ron Paul would pass the test.

I know of no one else who has the moral courage and the knowledge to act Constitutionally.

But this 'test' serves a purpose. It is one standard that can be used to make it clear and evident who it is that is being served. It is obvious that the Unconstitutional coup is being served, not the people.

When enough people realize what is going on the majority (the people) will turn on the minority (the criminals in charge of the counterfeiting operation) and the revolution will take on a new dimension.

The revolution will return our Constitutional Republic to its classical liberalism roots.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Will Barack Obama Have The Moral Courage To Be A Constitutional President?

This is the defining question for Barack Obama. This is where the rhetoric of change becomes meaningful.

It will definitely take moral courage for the President-elect to sever himself from the shackles of the unConstitutional coup and even more so since he is surrounded (and seems to be surrounding himself) by acolytes loyal to the will of the unConstitutional coup. Is he courageous or faint-hearted?

Moral courage is what it will take to aspire towards the principles of classical liberalism that inspired the Constitution instead of pursuing socialism down the Road to Serfdom.

The acts that will indicate a great legacy for President Obama are quite clear. Foreign interventionism will be halted. The dollar will be returned to its gold backing thus restraining the Federal Reserve and subsequently the corrupt redistribution of wealth to the political class. These are the clear indicators of moral courage. These are the acts of a Constitutional President.

Here are the projected results of a universal survey of every American:
Do you want a Constitutional President or an unConstitutional President?
100% choose a Constitutional President.

Will Barack Obama listen to the wishes of the entire nation and have the moral courage to stand up to the unConstitutional coup and use his Presidency to fight the good fight and restore the Constitutional Republic to the people?

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The First Acts of a Constitutional President.

The first act would be to ask Congress to abide strictly by the Constitution and encourage them to refer to Judge Andrew Napolitano for Constitutional counsel.

Then comes the evaluation of each and every Executive priviledge that has cumulatively been given to the President and apply the same rule.

This, as understood, represents a return to the rule of law thereby restoring the Constitutional Republic and laying the foundation for a classical liberalism society. This advancement will carry forward the precious movement towards a worldwide classical liberalism civilization.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.