Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Who Is The Genuine Classical Liberal?

And why are the American people starting to awaken to their inherent affinity for classical liberalism?

Who? Ron Paul.
Why? Because there are enough individuals who have discovered the authenticity of Ron Paul and are contributing to his campaign and then his campaign is educating the American people about the true American ideology of classical liberalism.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Monday, December 19, 2011

Classical Liberalism Is The True Ideology Of Americans.

Classical liberalism is returning to its rightful place - in the ideology of the people of America.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Americans Will Not Tolerate The Police State!

If you too are not furious about the legalization of martial law and the forming of a police State in America then there is something spiritually, intellectually, and morally wrong with you!!!

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

When People Find That They Love Ron Paul - Victory!

The time is coming for the middle 50% of the American voting population! Currently 20-25% already recognize Ron Paul as a unique figure in American and world history and if you speak with them you will discover that they actually love Ron Paul, as a person, as an educator, and as a leader.

The time is coming for the middle 50% of the American voting population! It is almost here!

The remainder of the people have too many ties to socialism and statism to appreciate the wonders of a free society that Ron Paul speaks about. They will have to experience those wonders for themselves and so in about four years they will be in love with Ron Paul too!

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Monday, November 21, 2011

Can Jon Stewart Influence The Destiny Of America?

Yes, if he continues to be the only talk show host that recognizes Ron Paul as a great statesman!!!

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ron Paul Is The Wise One At The Head Of the Thanksgiving Table!

When gathered together around a table to celebrate Thanksgiving the humblest, yet the wisest, sits at the head of the table and part of that honor comes with the responsibility to teach the others about liberty and justice and trustworthiness and truthfulness.

The message that he shared with those around the table and gathered there is a message of peace and prosperity and that message fits perfectly with what America stands for, or what it stood for at the time of its inception. The foolish and the ego-driven have perverted America as a nation and this corruption has permeated all the way back to the church, the family, and all the way to the individual.

Thank God the wise one at the head of the table is getting a chance to restore America back to its destiny of being the beakon of freedom and peace.
For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ron Paul Pledges To End All Undeclared Wars!

Ron Paul openly and sincerely pledges that as President he would never go to war without the proper Congressional authority.

All undeclared wars would cease and therefore the United States will no longer be labeled as a terrorist nation by most of the people around the world.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,

or liberty and justice, please send them this link:


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween To Liberty Lovers!!!!!

Glow with the joy of knowledge and excellence.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,

or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Friday, October 21, 2011

An Honest Budgetary Approach Can Restore The Destiny Of America.

The destiny of America turns from bleak to promising and accountable simply by an honest and true budgetary approach instead of political rhetoric by scheming politicians who irresponsibly promise the moon to get votes.

Examine this. Delve into the details. Recognize that this is achievable, non-partisan, and capable of restoring America and thereby restoring the destiny of America.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ron Paul Spoke Earnestly To The CNN Tea Party Forum.

Congressman Ron Paul answered their questions and challenged their fallacious understandings. Like he has said all along, if the people of America will embrace their traditions and appreciate the gift that was historically bestowed on our Constitutional Republic then it will be as clear as the sun at noon on a clear day that Ron Paul is the only qualified and sincere candidate. If Americans remain in a stupor then the impending economic tsanami will probably wipe the slate clean and the re-emergence will probably be along a much more throny road.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Can America's (Now Empty) Traditions Be Restored?

It looks promising! If given only a few minutes Ron Paul can convert even an inveterate pawn of the media-controlling unConstitutional coup.

It is no wonder that all attempts were made by the unConstitutional coup to avoid allowing him to answer questions and to speak directly to the public, even when the questions are obviously distorted to plant seeds of doubt. The truth and logic of Ron Paul's answers resonates with those who hear them, including even a chief propagandist.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Shafted" Or Not, Ron Paul Carries The Message Of America.

The interview starts with the question "Have you been shafted?" and immediately you see the generous spirit of Ron Paul. He is humble and yet he is principled and he is determined to change the direction America is headed.

The is a world of difference between Ron Paul and evey politician any of us have ever known. He is a statesman and a scholar of classical liberalism and a scholar of Austrian economics and he is a wise person of excellent character.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

Monday, June 27, 2011

It's Time To Recognize The Wisdom And Sincerity Of Ron Paul.

Sit down and have a conversation with the great statesman of our time - Ron Paul. This CSPAN interview is personal in many ways and yet it thoroughly introduces the viewers to this humble and great thinker of our time.

If it is the destiny of America to be restored to its potential as the peaceful and prosperous beacon for the world in the near future then it will also be the time - now - for the wisdom of Ron Paul to be recognized.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ron Paul Reminds Americans About "We The People."

With unparalleled courage Ron Paul takes the stage to address many who already recognize his statesmanship but also many neoconservatives who have been fooled into militarism. He wastes no time speaking about the flaws in the foreign policy of the United States and he makes sure that everyone understands that our disgraceful and unconstitutional actions can and must be stopped immediately!

He is educating the people of America (and throughout the world) about freedom and the injustices of central planning and central banks.

Watch this CNN video of his talk and share it with as many of your friends and neighbors as you, comfortably, can.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{The exciting news is that I have published the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series and I am in the process of developing its website!}

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Strength Of Families Is The Strength Of America.

The blabbermouth politicians constantly talk about the sacrifices that we have to make. What a bunch of garbage!

Sound money, no income tax, and very few regulations is not a sacrifice but rather they are the keys to prosperity.

Ron Paul assures us that your family and your faith community and your neighbors will be the source of strength in these difficult times ahead. All that is required of us is that we have confidence in ourselves to live free and to act responsibly. God is the only king that we need.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{The exciting news is that I am about to publish the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series!}

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ron Paul Exposes The Military Industrial Complex On "The View."

Our friend Ron Paul was charming and the essence of wisdom and equity. Will the spiritual potential of the people of America spark to life? Will they do their ancestors proud, those who fled from oppression and suffered hard work and pursued the ideal of liberty and justice?

And thank you Ron Paul for exposing the military industrial complex with a spotlight for all to see and to ponder!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Friday, April 22, 2011

Political Analysis Is About To Become Obsolete!

Libertarianism is a commendable perspective, indicative of an inquisitive and independent mind and spirit but I do not think that it is necessarily the lens capable of assaying the trends to come. The whole political analysis methodology may go out the window along with the rest of the crumbling institutions of a world thrust into a new reality. It is for this reason that statistics and polls about where people stand have little pertinence if or when the world turns on its nose.

In crisis will people care about doctrines or will they migrate towards knowledge that gives them peace, liberty and prosperity? The doctrines will ring hollow since the institutions that have promulgated them will vanish.

So, can Ron Paul win? It is possible that the time is right because the collapse of the fiat currencies is imminent and our friend Ron Paul is a great educator, attracting people who are desperately seeking the knowledge necessary to relieve their burdens. What is implausible about this?

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Principled Ones Are Just A Few.

In this interview Tavis Smiley asks questions that only a truthful and trustworthy statesman can answer in a thorough way, in a normal conversational manner, honorably.

Ron Paul speaks frankly about the lack of character throughout all of government.

This champion of the Constitution is pondering deeply the sacrifices that he will have to make, and the readiness of the American people to hear the truth, as he considers running for President.

May God bless him and protect him and guide him!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Expose And Purge From The World The Socialism Schemers.

Spend, squeeze all production, warmonger, and counterfeit until the dollar collapses with the goal being to create a world fiat currency under the control of a world central bank. This is the fascist scheme of the planners of world socialism (which is a two class society - the parasitic rulers and the oppressed masses void of property rights, hence human rights).

Can the remnant of the spirit of classical liberalism that inspired our Founders expose the lies and thievery and economic terrorism of the State and its vile proponents?

America has a destiny to fulfill and purging the world of socialism is that destiny.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rand Paul Opposes The War In Libya!

And the Libyan war was done in a treasonous way.

The enemies of the true and Constitutional America are internal and they are bloodthirsty, they lie and scheme, and they counterfeit and steal.

Can the virtuous become the statesmen to prevent America from dying?

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Congress, Brace For the Groundswell!

Rand Paul has the attention of every American that has heard him without the calumnious whisperings of the unConstitutional coup via the media minions.

The remnant of economic competition makes any truly relevant news the hot topic and so soon the groundswell will overwhelm Congress!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cut The Budget, Starting With Militarism!

Wars are destructive of lives. Wars are destructive of property. Wars are destructive of capital. Wars are destructive of ethics.

It is an absurdity for people to actually think that there is such a thing as a just war. That is nothing but the perverse mindset of terrorism.

The militarism exercised by the unconstrained military industrial complex is really a type of terrorism, designed ultimately to serve the imperialistic goals of the unConstitutional coup in the U.S.

Cutting the budget by cutting militarism is one of the ways to weaken the usurpers of the Constitution. Combine that with the elimination of the counterfeiting operation (the Federal Reserve) of the unConstitutional coup, and then there is hope of returning America to its status as a constitutional Republic and a beacon of liberty and justice to the world.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Test The Patriot Act Against Our Patriot Founding Fathers' Wisdom.

We know who the patriots were when our nation was formed. They spoke eloquently about the principles necessary to maintain a nation founded on liberty and justice.

The Patriot Act is a direct assault on the rights and responsibilities that our Founding Fathers tried to cement into the Constitution. The violators of their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic are not patriots. At the very least they are ignorant buffoons, and sorry to say, many of them are traitors not patriots. They are the domestic enemies warned against.

The Constitution is the rule of law to guard us against these wretched ones and so it is imperative that we vehemently insist that the Constitution is obeyed without ego-driven interpretation.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Will A Remnant Of America Survive?

The smear campaign funded by the money being counterfeited in an immoral fashion by the central planners in charge of the Federal Reserve is designed to keep the unConstitutional coup in charge of a once great nation. With our Republic desperately gasping for the vital air of liberty and justice, all the while being strangled to death by the usurpers, and while Congress is slouched in a dark corner drunk out of its mind, there is a champion of the Constitution - a physician, Dr. Ron Paul - trying to administer a remedy.

Can we keep our Republic alive so that the principles it was founded on can offer some refuge when the dollar completely collapses or will there not even be a remnant of America left as a civilizing balm while the world struggles through the upcoming cataclysmic chaos?

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Thursday, January 20, 2011

At Least Ron Paul Obeys The Constitution!

As divergent as is the current 'government' from the Constitution, when elected representatives mention the Constitution it would seem like these divergencies would come up to the forefront immediately and be vigorously discussed.

So it appears that all the talk about the Constitution was just a show! It is progress relative to two years ago but relative to liberty and justice it is the usual shameful hypocrisy mouthed by the ego-driven interventionists.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Friday, January 7, 2011

Let's Gracefully Solve The U.S. Debt Situation!!!

In this great interview of Ron Paul by Dylan Ratigan from MSNBC the whole picture of the weakness of political will to face the problem of irresponsible government comes to light.

Congressman Paul talks about the headway made in educating the general citizenry about the destructiveness of Keynesianism but remains skeptical that anything less than national bankruptcy will cause the political will to shift away from untrustworthiness and towards integrity, away from scamming the American people and towards honest statesmanship.

What Ron Paul says, that should be encouraging to everyone, is that the U.S. could gracefully resolve this problem within about one year if it would change its foreign policy away from empire building and if it would stop using the Federal Reserve system as a counterfeiting operation.

The choice is clear: gracefully end this dark period of economic terrorism or suddenly and violently crumble into a heap of chaos with no way to control what will emerge from the pile. It could be a renewed and revitalized and principled America or it could be some vulgar form of despotism.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Symbolic Significance Of Dr. Ron Paul And Dr. Rand Paul.

There are symbolic victories. Often they lead directly to authentic, substantive victories.

As we move along during this period of ideological change symbolic victories do make a significant contribution to the unfolding of events.

What is the symbolic significance of both Ron Paul and Rand Paul being in leadership roles? It is exciting to think about how people will become reacquainted with the idea of nobility. Noblemen, in this case true statesmen, have always been a main feature of classical liberalism societies and so it is important for people to become familiar once again with the role of noblemen (statesman) in society.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Who Are Statesmen And Who Are Lying Politicians?

Watch your elected representatives and make sure they do what they took an oath to do and as part of that oath ended their pledge with a plea for help from God. Here is the oath for office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Remind them often about their pledge and consider taking legal action against them if they lied under oath.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}