Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Who Is The Genuine Classical Liberal?

And why are the American people starting to awaken to their inherent affinity for classical liberalism?

Who? Ron Paul.
Why? Because there are enough individuals who have discovered the authenticity of Ron Paul and are contributing to his campaign and then his campaign is educating the American people about the true American ideology of classical liberalism.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Monday, December 19, 2011

Classical Liberalism Is The True Ideology Of Americans.

Classical liberalism is returning to its rightful place - in the ideology of the people of America.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Americans Will Not Tolerate The Police State!

If you too are not furious about the legalization of martial law and the forming of a police State in America then there is something spiritually, intellectually, and morally wrong with you!!!

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

When People Find That They Love Ron Paul - Victory!

The time is coming for the middle 50% of the American voting population! Currently 20-25% already recognize Ron Paul as a unique figure in American and world history and if you speak with them you will discover that they actually love Ron Paul, as a person, as an educator, and as a leader.

The time is coming for the middle 50% of the American voting population! It is almost here!

The remainder of the people have too many ties to socialism and statism to appreciate the wonders of a free society that Ron Paul speaks about. They will have to experience those wonders for themselves and so in about four years they will be in love with Ron Paul too!

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link: