Monday, August 25, 2008

Two Sides of the Same Coin in America.

Heads - The unConstitutional coup is run by the power elite with ego-driven interventionist schemes but like all interventionists they are ignorant of the inviolable laws underlying the economy. Their economic ignorance is destroying the Constitutional Republic.

Tails - The unConstitutional coup is run by the power elite with ego-driven interventionist schemes, fully aware that destruction of the Constitutional Republic enables them to advance virtually unopposed into a world-wide hegemony.

Do we realize how important America is? Have we lost the realization that America has a destiny closely connected to the well-being of all people all over the world?

We are the ones who will not only champion the cause of liberty and justice for the sake of America but in doing so we will cement the cause of liberty and justice into the foundation of a worldwide classical liberalism civilization.

First the ego-driven interventionists must be cast aside forever. Now is that time!

To say these are exciting times is an understatement to the nth power!!

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