Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Secession Is Just Following the Motto: "Be Prepared."

What is wrong with being prepared? Not only is that an honorable motto of the Boy Scouts of America but it is a basic human action. All human beings try to anticipate and prepare for the uncertainty of the future.

But, what we know about the future that is certain is that the Keynesian long-run has arrived and will continue to arrive! Consumption of and destruction of real capital that is hidden by the ego-driven interventionists (who use propaganda to misinform the masses) in the Keynesian short-run (Keynes didn't worry about it - he said "We're all dead in the long-run) has its consequences. The consequence is that at some time there will be people who have to live in the Keynesian long-run. This is a certainty.

Back to the principle of secession. Is the principle of secession alive and well when the States listen to their citizens and ignore the false pronouncements of the unConstitutional coup that wants to act like an imperialist in America since its empire of worldwide imperialism evaporated? Is the principle of secession alive when it becomes common knowledge that the currency that was destroyed by the unConstitutional coup is counterfeit like the Continental dollar?

In preparation for the Keynsian long-run it is the principle of secession that will strengthen the will of the people to reject ego-driven interventionism, and to reject the unConstitutional coup. Rather than being 'unAmerican' this is the knowledge and attitude that will restore our Constitutional Republic and in the process restore State rights.

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